Gottfried Schweiger, Principal Investigator
Gottfried is Senior Scientist (permanent position) the Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research (CEPR), University of Salzburg, Austria. Before he joined the CEPR in 2011 he was a research fellow (permanent position) at the international research center for social and ethical questions, an independent institution, based also in Salzburg. Before becoming a professional philosopher, Gottfried worked in PR and journalism. In 2014 he spent one semester at the philosophy department of the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and finished during that time a research monograph on social justice and child poverty, which he co-wrote with Gunter Graf. In 2016 Gottfried was visiting researcher in Bochum at the Chair in Political and Legal Philosophy of Corinna Mieth. The main areas of his research are in the fields of social and political philosophy with a focus on poverty, social and global justice, childhood, sports and critical theory. Please visit also his personal homepage for more information. You can contact Gottfried via e-mail: |